Living and Non Living

Subject:  Class 11 Biology

Topic: Living and Non Living

Difficulty Level: Moderate

No. of Questions: 20

1. Are increase in mass and number twin characteristics of growth?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Answer Explanation: Multicellular organisms grow by cell division, leading to an increase in number, which in turn causes an increase in mass.

2. Which of the following organisms can reproduce?

a) Mules

b) Worker bees

c) Fertile human couple

d) Infertile human couple

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: A fertile human couple can produce offspring, while mules, worker bees, and an infertile human couple cannot reproduce.

3. What is the sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in our body?

a) Anabolism

b) Metabolism

c) Amphibolism

d) Catabolism

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: Metabolism is the total set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms. Anabolism is constructive, catabolism is destructive, and amphibolism involves both.

4. Living and non-living organisms can be unexceptionally differentiated based on which criterion?

a) Growth

b) Consciousness

c) Metabolism

d) Reproduction

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Answer: d

Answer Explanation: Reproduction is the only criterion that can unexceptionally differentiate living from non-living organisms. Non-living things can grow and metabolic reactions can be performed in vitro. Consciousness is present even in coma patients.

5. Identify the man-made non-living thing.

a) Mountains

b) Valleys

c) Books

d) Rivers

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: Books are non-living and man-made, while mountains, valleys, and rivers are non-living but naturally occurring.

6. A student kept a pet rat in a closed cage, and it died the next day. What was the most likely reason?

a) Lack of space to move

b) Lack of sunlight

c) Lack of air to breathe

d) Lack of food

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: The rat died due to a lack of air. A rat can survive without space, sunlight, and food for a short period, but not without air.

7. Evaluate the following statements:
Statement A: Natural things can be living or non-living.
Statement B: Living things can be natural.

a) Both statements are true

b) Both statements are false

c) Statement A is true, but Statement B is false

d) Statement B is true, but Statement A is false

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Answer: a

Answer Explanation: Both statements are correct. Natural things include both living and non-living entities. Living things are always created by nature.

8. Why is the sun essential for plants?

a) Provides water

b) Provides roots

c) Provides food

d) Provides energy

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Answer: d

Answer Explanation: The sun provides energy to plants. Water is either provided or obtained naturally from rain. Roots are part of the plant that help in obtaining food, water, and minerals. Plants make their own food through photosynthesis.

9. In which organism is budding observed?

a) Planaria

b) Amoeba

c) Yeast

d) Protonema of mosses

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: Yeast reproduces through budding, which is a form of asexual reproduction. Planaria reproduces through regeneration, amoeba through binary fission, and protonema of mosses through fragmentation.

10. Are growth and reproduction mutually exclusive events in most plants and animals?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: Growth and reproduction are not mutually exclusive. Growth refers to an increase in mass, while reproduction is the production of progeny. Growth occurs in both living and non-living things, but reproduction is seen only in living beings.

11. What best defines “Growth” in living organisms?

a) Increase in mass from external accumulation or internal changes

b) Increase in mass from internal cell division and replication

c) Continuous growth throughout life

d) Growth alone defines if an organism is living

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: Increase in mass from internal cell division and increase in number due to replication are twin characteristics of growth. Non-living things grow by accumulation, whereas living organisms grow by intake of nutrients. Growth is not a sole indicator of life, as non-living things like mountains can also grow by accumulation.

12. How does reproduction occur in Planaria?

a) Budding

b) Binary Fission

c) Asexual spores

d) Fragmentation

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Answer: d

Answer Explanation: Planaria reproduce through fragmentation and regeneration. Fungi use spores, amoeba use binary fission, and hydra use budding for reproduction.

13. Is reproduction enough to determine if something is living?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: While reproduction indicates life, its absence doesn’t confirm non-living status. Some living organisms may stop reproducing at certain stages.

14. Why does sexual reproduction cause variations in offspring?

a) It involves genes from a single parent

b) It involves genes from both parents

c) It varies with time

d) Parents design offspring traits

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: Sexual reproduction involves genes from both parents, which undergo modifications, leading to variations in the offspring’s traits.

15. What is metabolism?

a) Division of cells

b) Expansion of cells

c) Sum of all chemical reactions in the body

d) Production of offspring

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: Metabolism refers to the sum total of all chemical reactions occurring within a living organism.

16. What term describes the effect of the environment on an organism?

a) Response

b) Stimuli

c) Reflex

d) Reaction

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: Stimuli refer to the environmental factors that elicit a response from an organism, like a touch-me-not plant closing its leaves when touched.

17. Are consciousness and cellular organization exclusive to living organisms?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Answer Explanation: Consciousness and cellular organization are unique to living organisms, distinguishing them from non-living things.

18. What are reactions that occur in lab conditions called?

a) Metabolic reactions

b) Oxidation reactions

c) Living reactions

d) Reduction reactions

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: Reactions replicated in a lab setting are termed living reactions, even though they occur outside a living organism.

19. What is a lab-based reaction called?

a) In situ

b) In vitro

c) Instant

d) In house

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Answer: b

Answer Explanation: In vitro describes reactions or processes conducted in a lab environment, such as in vitro fertilization.

20. Which statement best describes a living thing?

a) All living things reproduce

b) Living organisms grow endlessly

c) Living organisms self-replicate, evolve, and respond to stimuli

d) Living organisms depend on AI for decisions

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Answer: c

Answer Explanation: Living organisms self-replicate, evolve, and are interactive systems that respond to external stimuli. Not all living things reproduce continuously, and most stop growing after a period.

This set of objective questions for Class/Grade 11 Biology focuses on Living and Non Living MCQs.